Rabu, 10 Desember 2008


Borobudur Temple is one of the great historic buildings in the world. Borobudur was built by the dynasty Syailendra between 750 - 842 CE or 300 years before Angkor Wat in Cambodia and 400 years before the establishment of Churches Kathedral in Europe. Only a little is known about the early history of Borobudur, except that the involvement of labor should be as large under the blazing tropical sun to raise and 60,000 m3 of stone sculpture.

Sir Thomas Stanford Raffles disclose the existence of Borobudur in the year 1814. He found the temple in the state of neglected and ordered the surrounding area to be cleaned from the bushes and next carried out the survey on the state of Borobudur temple.

Projects large-scale restoration starting from the years 1905 to 1910, led by Dr. Theodore Van ERP. With assistance from UNESCO for the second restoration of Borobudur meyelamatkan conducted from August 1913 until 1983.

Borobudur has overall height 42 m, but currently only 34.5 m (after restoration) and has a total area of 123 x 123 m. The building is 10-storeyed or called: Hhumtcambharabudara, that means a mountain that is a collection of welfare Boddhisatva level in 10.


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